Jan 1, 2024 | Cost of Solar, Home Solar, Incentives and Rebates, Solar Investment
As we kick off the new year, the forecast for renewable energy looks sunny. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, demand for solar and wind will outpace coal for the first time in 2024. There are several reasons for this continuing shift in the...
Dec 26, 2023 | Good Energy Solutions, Home Solar, Solar
2023 has been a busy year for our solar installation teams here at Good Energy Solutions. As the year winds down, we thought it would be fun to take a look at a few of the more interesting solar installations we completed. ExxonMobile in Kansas City, Kansas The irony...
Dec 7, 2023 | Micro-inverter, Solar, Solar PV
One of the common questions we receive from people looking to add solar to their home or business is “Do I need a string inverter or microinverter for my solar installation?” Each option comes with its own pros and cons. Let’s first take a look at...
Nov 16, 2023 | Cost of Solar, Efficiencies, Incentives and Rebates
The USDA launched a program to help rural business owners and agricultural producers enhance their operations with clean renewable energy. The Rural Energy for America Program gives businesses located in areas with populations of 50,000 residents or less access to...
Nov 7, 2023 | Cost of Solar, Good Energy Solutions, Home Solar, Solar Investment
Is your roof suitable for solar? Several factors determine whether we can efficiently install solar panels on your home or business including the orientation, angle, and condition of your roof, as well as your geographical location and your specific solar energy...