Grant County Bank Commercial Solar Array in Ulysses, Kansas

Grant County Solar


Grant County Bank was looking for ways to reduce monthly energy bills amidst rising energy costs. Grant County Bank understood the value of owning its energy instead of renting it from the utility. Combined with falling prices, the longevity of solar arrays add additional value to the investment.

Solar Solution

In September of 2016, Good Energy Solutions installed a 99.8 kW Solar PV array on the roof of Grant County Bank in Ulysses, KS. Already a leader in banking technology, Grant County Bank is now also a leader in renewable technology in Kansas.

Customer Benefit

Solar now offsets over 50% of the banks electricity needs, saving them over $10,000 per year in electricity costs. Grant County Bank prides itself on being a leader in banking technology in southwest Kansas and is excited to showcase its new green energy solar array.

Our mission at Good Energy Solutions is to provide our customers with honest, real solutions to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and lower their long term energy costs. Our combination of hands-on experience, education, and outstanding customer service make our company the clear choice to help you achieve your energy goals.

Founded in 2007 by Kevin and Shana Good, Good Energy Solutions has earned a reputation for our expert reliable service, long workmanship warranties, and quality commercial and residential solar installations.

We are engineers and craftsmen designing for efficiency while keeping aesthetics and longevity in mind. Because of our installation quality and customer service, Good Energy Solutions' solar panel systems feature some of the longest product and service warranties in Kansas and Missouri. Also, we have more NABCEP® Certified Solar Professionals on staff than any other company in Kansas or Missouri.  To achieve this certification, PV installers must demonstrate that they possess extensive solar PV installation experience, have received advanced training, and passed the rigorous NABCEP certification exam.

If you would like to know more about solar power for your home or business, contact us here.

Now is the Best Time to Go Solar with the 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit Still Available. LEARN MORE