When Shopping for Solar, Look for Local Solar Companies with Proven Experience Instead of Falling for a Genius Marketing Company

This blog post was first written in 2016, and it’s contents are still accurate. We still have numerous companies asking to sell us leads and companies that reach out to us to install their already designed and sold projects.

Some of the companies that have reached out to us follow a different business model that includes cheaper equipment and cheap labor.

Some of those companies are in a panic because they are selling systems and don’t have the sub-contractors in place to fulfill the installation of their sold projects. We’ve seen some of the designs, and are disheartened that someone had spent their hard-earned money on a system that is simply not going to perform as they have been promised. We don’t do installations for such companies. As a SunPower Elite Dealer, we are able to get the highest-efficiency and most durable panels on the market. And we know the value of a properly designed and installed system, that’s why we hire NABCEP certified solar installers and designers. When you do things right, it helps the solar industry as a whole and this why Kevin and Shana Good started Good Energy Solutions in 2007.

There is an increase in Facebook Advertising with marketing slogans that are very enticing, but not always accurate. If you’ve been quoted a system, please reach out to Good Energy Solutions. We’ll give you a quote, free of charge, and make sure you fully understand the pros and cons of solar. We’ll help you understand how local utility rate structures might impact your solar decision. When you work with Good Energy Solutions you are working with a turn-key solar/battery/efficiencies/electrical company/partner that is with you every step of the way, from consultation to service/maintenance. We even work as your solar advocate at the Capitol.

“I got a slightly cheaper bid from another company. It was a nightmare from the very beginning. I pulled the plug, switched to Good Energy Solutions and had a seamless, easy experience from people who knew what they were doing.” – 5 Star review



Updated: 11/08/2019

Purchase your home solar energy system from an experienced local solar installation company to ensure your investment is designed and installed correctly.

Since the first publication of this article, the solar industry has continued to grow. This is fantastic news as solar energy is a major contributor to a cleaner environment for our future. Rebates and incentive programs continue to help make solar more affordable for businesses and homeowners. However, with these programs comes an increase in the number of companies that advertise to sell solar, only to subcontract installations out to companies that install for the lowest price.  As a consumer, it may be difficult to fully understand the qualifications the subcontractors hold.

It’s important for prospective solar purchasers to do their due diligence to make sure that they are purchasing their solar energy system from an experienced company that will be available to service the installation; if need be, way after the rebate programs and marketing companies have disappeared.

When you choose a company like Good Energy Solutions, a local experienced solar installation company, you can rest assured that your system will meet all required city fire codes, city ordinances, and building permit requirements. 7 NABCEP® Certified PV Professionals on our staff ensure that your solar energy system (investment) is designed and installed properly. We guarantee our solar installations to work with production and performance warranties that back up our service. Good Energy Solutions is a SunPower Elite Dealer, which means that homeowners have 1 warranty, the 25-year complete confidence warranty that covers the solar energy system, not just the panels. If something should go wrong, Good Energy Solutions is here to help. Established in 2007, Good Energy Solutions has been installing solar in Kansas and Missouri and continues to strive to give the solar industry a good name.

Original Post: 03/25/2016

The cost of solar has plummeted over the last couple of years making it more affordable for consumers than ever before. (As much as 53% since 2014) It’s exciting, more consumers can now afford to control their energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint. The solar industry boom, like any rising trend, has created an opportunity for both consumers and for marketing companies.  One such trend is Lead Generation marketing. Lead-generation websites that target solar customers with the promise of lower solar costs may be from a marketing company that has never installed a single solar panel.

Think of the lead-generation websites as middlemen that earn money off of each lead generated. 

Not every website is sinister. There are some out there that educate the public on the industry and serve the industry with a positive purpose. Others, unfortunately, serve no purpose except to make money off of leads that are acquired by selling them to multiple installation companies. Consumers who enter their name and phone number or email are bombarded by numerous solar installation companies that have purchased the lead. The fine print on the website reads that the consumer accepts marketing emails and phone calls for a year – and in some cases from more than just the solar installation company. Harassment for a year? Sure, sign me up…(that’s sarcasm folks) In most cases, the lead is a dead-end. The cost of dead-end leads, or overhead, is then recuperated by the cost of the sold solar installation – YOUR COST.

Some lead-generation sites create bid wars between installation companies. The job goes to the lowest bid. Uneducated solar consumers can easily be enticed by lower bids not understanding the difference between the bids. (Read more about how to compare bids) Quality, Warranty, Performance, Installation, and type of inverters and panels are all factors that contribute to the bid price. Please make sure you understand exactly why one bid is lower than another before assuming it’s a good deal.

At Good Energy Solutions most of our leads come from word of mouth or submissions through our website. We ask for specific information on our contact information page so that we can better serve your needs. Our commitment to quality reaches further than our customers – it reaches to the industry. We are dedicated to educating consumers so that their experience with the Solar Industry is positive. Read more about our company’s history and mission.

Our mission at Good Energy Solutions is to provide our customers with honest, real solutions to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and lower their long term energy costs. Our combination of hands-on experience, education, and outstanding customer service make our company the clear choice to help you achieve your energy goals.

Founded in 2007 by Kevin and Shana Good, Good Energy Solutions has earned a reputation for our expert reliable service, long workmanship warranties, and quality commercial and residential solar installations.

We are engineers and craftsmen designing for efficiency while keeping aesthetics and longevity in mind. Because of our installation quality and customer service, Good Energy Solutions' solar panel systems feature some of the longest product and service warranties in Kansas and Missouri. Also, we have more NABCEP® Certified Solar Professionals on staff than any other company in Kansas or Missouri.  To achieve this certification, PV installers must demonstrate that they possess extensive solar PV installation experience, have received advanced training, and passed the rigorous NABCEP certification exam.

If you would like to know more about solar power for your home or business, contact us here.

The 30% federal solar tax incentive may change in 2026. Going solar this year could save you thousands. LEARN MORE NOW