With the additional infrastructure required to meet the new Panasonic battery plant’s anticipated demand for electricity in Johnson County, Evergy plans to request a rate increase in Kansas next year. That’s on top of an already-pending rate hike request from the utility to state regulators.

The Kansas City Star reports that Evergy has filed documents with the Kansas Corporation Commission that show how the demand created by the nearly 4-million-square-foot plant that will be located in DeSoto will double that of Evergy’s current largest customer in the state. The new production facility will also require two new substations, upgrades to three current substations and work on 31 miles of transmission lines.

Panasonic Plant in DeSoto Kansas

Rendering of Desoto plant courtesy of Panasonic Group

Even with nearly $8 billion in federal, state and local incentives and a probable discounted electric rate from Evergy, Kansans may be asked to pay higher electricity rates to help cover the increased usage by Panasonic.

Evergy, already announced in April it would ask the KCC to approve raising rates by 5.9% in some areas in Kansas and up to 24.9% in a region that includes Topeka, Lawrence, Manhattan and western parts of Johnson County. The commission is expected to make a decision by late December and public hearings are ongoing.

The proposed rate hike based on the Panasonic plant’s electricity needs would be on top of the current proposed increase.

Solar panels and battery backup systems can provide a simple way to protect yourself or your business from rising energy costs. By generating your own renewable electricity, you lessen your reliance on the grid while also hedging against an always fluctuating energy market. 

Lenexa Solar

Solar can you lessen your reliance on the grid while also hedging against an always fluctuating energy market. 

It’s also an excellent time to purchase a solar panel system or battery backup as the federal government offers a 30% tax credit towards your investment along with other incentives.

If you’re interested in learning more about solar, our consultants can give you a free proposal that shows how many panels you’ll need, how they would be situated on your property, how much they can save you every month and your expected return on investment. 



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The 30% federal solar tax incentive may change in 2026. Going solar this year could save you thousands. LEARN MORE NOW