Tesla Certified Installer for Powerwalls, Wall Connectors and Powershare

Energy management and energy storage means savings on your energy bill and energy security if the grid goes down. Good Energy Solutions is a Tesla Certified Premier Installer for the Powerwall, and a Certified Installer for Wall Connect systems (EV Charger) and Powershare.

We offer a customized solar-plus-battery solution that enables you to access the free, abundant power of the sun for later use. The Tesla Powerwall works with or without solar to provide energy security and financial benefits.

Tesla Powerwall 3

With the Powerwall, you can store solar energy generated during the day for use any time. During the day, the sun shines on your solar panels, charging your battery. At night, your home draws electricity from your battery, powering your home with clean, sustainable energy 24/7. Installing a Powerwall battery with Good Energy Solutions is easy. We take care of everything from system design, permitting, installation, and financing. The Tesla Powerwall 3 consists of a 13.5 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, liquid thermal control system, an integrated inverter and software that intelligently dispatches electricity when it’s needed most. The Powerwall learns patterns in your energy usage and solar generation– using stored energy to avoid purchasing high-cost electricity. The unit mounts seamlessly on a wall, indoors or outdoors, and is connected to the grid to export excess energy, maximizing your opportunity for economic benefit.

Battery Technology is improving resulting in affordable energy storage for home or business.

Competition between battery companies continues to drive prices down while simultaneously expanding battery storage capacity. Well-designed residential batteries discretely operate without impacting your space. Batteries also help commercial businesses save money by storing energy that can lower or eliminate electrical utility high peak demand charges.

Powerwall can provide a number of benefits including:

  • Self-Powered – Powerwall increases the self-consumption of solar power generation. Powerwall can store surplus solar energy during daylight hours and use that energy later when the sun is not shining.
  • Time-Based Control – Powerwall can charge during low rate periods when demand for electricity is lower and discharge during more expensive rate periods when electricity demand is higher.
  • Back-up power – Assures power in the event of a grid outage.

Tesla Powerwall 3 specs:

Nominal Battery Energy 13.5 kWh
Maximum Continuous Discharge Power 11.5 kW
Maximum Continuous Discharge Power Off-Grid (PV Only, –20°C to 25°C) 15.4 kW
Maximum Continuous Charge Power 5 kW
Output Power Factor Rating 0 – 1 (Grid Code configurable)
Maximum Continuous Current 48 A
Load Start Capability (1 s) 185 A LRA
Power Scalability Up to 4 Powerwall 3 units supported

For more information regarding Tesla Powerwall, please visit the Tesla website

EV Charging at Home with Tesla Wall Connector

Charge your Electric Vehicle at home, overnight, and never visit a gas station again. 

Tesla recommends the Wall Connector as the most dynamic home charging hardware for Model S, Model 3, Model X and Model Y. Customizable to almost any power supply, the Wall Connector will provide faster-charging speeds and is the most convenient for home charging.

  • Up to 44 miles (77 km) of range per hour of charge
  • Compatible with Model S, Model 3, Model X and Model Y
  • Up to 11.5 kW / 48 amp output
  • Customizable power levels on a range of circuit breakers
  • Compatible with any home electrical system
  • Wi-Fi connectivity (2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n)
  • Approved for indoor and outdoor installation
  • Lightweight 18′ (2.6m) cable length
  • Tempered white glass faceplate

Backup Your Home with the Tesla Cybertruck with Powershare

Power your house, another EV, power tools or even a party off the grid. Our team of electricians is certified wire up your property to run off the battery of the Tesla Cybertruck.

Start Benefitting from Tesla Energy Management Products

Our staff of Engineers, NABCEP® Certified PV Installers, Certified Electricians, and Contractors can help you determine the best way to manage your energy at your home. Give us a call or contact us here.

We can also design and install a solar energy system that creates energy that is stored to be used during peak times. Plus, your Powerwall is eligible for the 30% Federal Tax Credit.

Our mission at Good Energy Solutions is to provide our customers with honest, real solutions to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and lower their long term energy costs. Our combination of hands-on experience, education, and outstanding customer service make our company the clear choice to help you achieve your energy goals.

Founded in 2007 by Kevin and Shana Good, Good Energy Solutions has earned a reputation for our expert reliable service, long workmanship warranties, and quality commercial and residential solar installations.

We are engineers and craftsmen designing for efficiency while keeping aesthetics and longevity in mind. Because of our installation quality and customer service, Good Energy Solutions' solar panel systems feature some of the longest product and service warranties in Kansas and Missouri. Also, we have more NABCEP® Certified Solar Professionals on staff than any other company in Kansas or Missouri.  To achieve this certification, PV installers must demonstrate that they possess extensive solar PV installation experience, have received advanced training, and passed the rigorous NABCEP certification exam.

If you would like to know more about solar power for your home or business, contact us here.

Tesla Certified Premier Installer



Tesla Powerwalls

The 30% federal solar tax incentive may change in 2026. Going solar this year could save you thousands. LEARN MORE NOW